Thursday, May 31, 2012

Leak Whisperer and Clarion

First, Shout Out to Mosaic Cafe and Mary Morgan! So glad we got in to see you!!! Happy 90th Brithday to your mom.

The fun part was visiting Clarion - which I 'll get to in a sec. The important part (to me) is we finally fixed the leak in our air mattress.

It's been leaking since November but really got out of hand. That being said, it took awhile to identify where the bugger was, but I had to call in the Leak Whisperer because despite many attempts to seal, it kept deflating.

But we were ultimately successful and celebrated..
Old School

We drove up to Clarion to check out the town and what a great place. First off - beautiful streetscapes and super clean. And, it smelled like pizza. Lots of places to catch a bite, including Mustard-Seed-type restaurant and a coffee shop with gelato.

We were there Memorial Day Sunday but practically had the town to ourselves. The city park had two huge WW I guns with their war memorials. Very impressive and made at Bethlehem Steel.

County Courthouse
Look for the mosaic Clarion Bears stationed through the town.

Clarion is a great town to visit and only about 20 minutes from Oil City. We want to bring our Israeli friends up here when they visit for the Oil City Indie Music Festival.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


How awesome is it, to be able to spend a week in Oil City? So awesome! It was Second Saturday, so there were open studios in the Transit Building, shout out to Shon Gaworski, May Artist of the Month! I love seeing Shon - an amazing soul.

We finished painting the house. I did the ladder stuff. Who says you can't teach an old dog, new tricks? We knocked out the painting in the mornings and ran around in the afternoons.

We went to one of our favorite places, Two Mile Run Park ( aka "2 Mile Island" in Karen-speak.)  Last time we were here, it was a very warm March day and we could only imagine how the trees would look. Talk about a peaceful place.

An Ent! Carved at the trail entrance. Awesome!

Look for my later post on why you should not buy Fishing Stuff made in China.

Venango County = Fishing! and we celebrated our 25th Anniversary in Oil City. Yay, go us!  we had a fantastic lunch at Luna Restaurant in Franklin and spent some time at Oil City Antique Warehouse and walking around the Northside after dinner. Fabulous Victorian houses that I am glad I do not have to paint.

How I fish.

Is this a great place or what? We're able to walk everywhere in town, including Thorne's Market, (we kept forgetting things like bread,) the Library, Spill the Beans (Chai Latte!) and of course all the Transit activities. We missed getting to The Mosaic Cafe this trip, but now that most of the house stuff is done (thank you Freidhabers for fixing stove) we're definately on track for more social time.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Franklin May Garden Mart

Ambi-dexterous when it comes to painting.
A spectacular weekend in Oil City, thank you Mother Nature for only raining Friday evening. Last week we were only able to be in town on Friday, but we got mulching and weeding done. This weekend, we hit the exterior painting pretty hard, and it's 2/3 complete.

Check out that blue sky. This is Sunday morning. I am worshipping at the Church of Get It Done.

I am thrilled to report the tree in the front yard is actually a lilac - a personal favorite. 

 We took time off from painting to hit Franklin's May Garden Mart, aka, Crack-for-Gardeners.

 There's something about plant events that make my eyes glaze over in a fantasy of what my garden will look like.

I wanted all of them, but held off since I've killed my fair share of beauties by trusting a warm, sunny day, only to have Mother Nature betray me with a frost.
Coolest planter: the moss 'handbag' filled with violas and greenery.

I came away with a fantastic garden ornament - a colorful glass butterfly on a stake, with copper leaves and ornaments. Love it.

This is on my radar for next year.